Difficulty Staying Awake?
Do This Every Day To Conquer Tiredness
Be Victorious
Whenever I ask my friends and family how’s things going, a significant amount of the responses I get back state that they are tired.
Looking at a few of the headlines out there seem to suggest that tiredness is becoming more common than ever before:
The reasons why exhaustion and burnout are so common, BBC
The exhaustion epidemic, The Guardian
The Fatigue Epidemic, Honor Society
The reasons for why this appears to be a growing trend are numerous and are beyond the scope of my understanding, what I do know from personal experience are that there are measures that we can take personally to help beat tiredness.

Tiredness Today
Although tiredness appears to be a growing trend, I personally believe that it has always been a factor in a lot of people’s lives. The difference today is that with social media and the Internet people are more willing to talk to others about how they really feel.
Of those that seek medical advice, many come away feeling disappointed as they were expecting a magical cure to something that is fundamental to the human experience.
Holding Me Back
Tiredness reduces your ability to fully appreciate life. It reduces your productivity; alertness and can affect your mental health as well as your relationships and social interactions.
If not dealt with effectively, tiredness can manifest in numerous ways in your life:
- Lack of confidence
- Loneliness
- Increase in risk of being involved in an accident
- Stress
- Depression
- Weight gain
What Can I Do?
The one thing that you can do every day to reverse this condition in your life is to commit to yourself to take action to overcome your tiredness.
Unfortunately there are no quick fixes, but there are steps that you can consistently take to help yourself overcome your tiredness. I know it’s not a very popular message these days, but by taking responsibility for your response to the problem, you empower yourself to eventually succeed in overcoming your tiredness.
Here are some steps to help you on your way:
- Sleep
Make sure you get enough quality sleep. Deep sleep is quality sleep. This helps you feel less tired during the day and helps your mind and body prepare for tomorrow. How do you deep sleep? See the next point. - Exercise
Just 25 – 30 minutes of moderate exercise at least 4 hours before you go to bed can make all the difference to your sleep. It can help you fall asleep faster, improve your sleep quality and help you sleep longer. Also, the effects of exercise on your sleep can be seen to benefit you immediately, on the same night. - Be aware when you are tired
Notice the signs of tiredness in yourself and act appropriately. Tiredness alarms like V-CAF subtly notify you when you are most likely to be tired. Best of all it’s tailored to you. - Eat healthily
don’t eat processed foods, reduce your sugar intake and avoid caffeine in all it’s forms.
The points outlined in this article aren’t easy, especially if it means a big lifestyle change, but at the same time they are not so hard. You can do this.
The most difficult part is agreeing to take responsibility and start.
- Increase your quantity and quality of sleep.
- Increase your exercise (amount or intensity or both)
- Be aware with your tiredness (use a tool like V-CAF)
- Eat healthy
What Will You Do?
Thank you for reading this far. This was a bit of a tough article, but hopefully you can see the benefit of a little tough love 😉
Take control, stay awake and stay alert.

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