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Get The Sleep You Can Stay Awake, Stay Alert Michelangelo, Florence Nightingale, Thomas Edison, Margaret Thatcher and Martha Stewart to...
Get The Sleep You Can Stay Awake, Stay Alert Michelangelo, Florence Nightingale, Thomas Edison, Margaret Thatcher and Martha Stewart to...
Too Costly To Your Health It's the price your willing to pay that counts... We live in a connected world....
There's No Time Like the Present Do something... Depending on the circumstance, it’s usually good advice to wait and see...
Overcome Tiredness - Use V-CAF Stay Awake, Stay Alert, Stay Focused Feeling tired? Finding it difficult to stay alert? Don’t...
Know What Works For You It's Your Life... Want to give up caffeine? I have on a number of times...
V-CAF Is The Alternative Stay Awake Stay Alert Stay Focused Over the years I found that my tolerance to caffeine...
Don't Stress Yourself Just Chill... It would be an understatement to describe this year (2020) so far as a little...
Experts & Your Choices Your Life, Your Choices... Where I live daylight hours are starting to get longer, but most...
How the Media Gets It Wrong About Coffee The Media and Uncommon Sense I watched a short documentary about coffee...
Stay Awake pills, are they worth the risk? Nothing ventured... In the past when I had a lot of work...