


别介意再过 8 个小时!



“/These methods, sometimes termed “disorientation” or “ sensory deprivation“ techniques, were not used in any cases other than the fourteen so indicated above. It emerges from the Commission’s establishment of the facts that the techniques consisted of …wall-standing; hooding; subjection to noise; deprivation of sleep; deprivation of food and drink./

147. 在其报告中,委员会表示意见……(iv) 一致认为,在其审理的案件中,五种技术的联合使用构成了违反第三条(第三条)的不人道待遇和酷刑的做法;(v) 一致认为,通过不人道的,在两个案件中是降低人格的待遇,违反了第三条(第三条)”

Stress and duress, Sensory deprivation techniques comprised torture , Stress and duress – Wikipedia



Tired? Never Mind Only Another 8 Hours To Go!
Photo by @Jennyrsmith via Twenty20

咖啡因 - 首选的兴奋剂



在《人类精神药理学:临床与实验》第20卷的一篇文章中,由Andrew P. Smith撰写的题为《工作中的咖啡因》,Andrew确认了:

“The results from the first study showed that those who consumed higher levels of caffeine reported significantly greater increases in alertness over the working day and a significantly smaller slowing of reaction time. The results from the second study demonstrated significant associations between caffeine consumption and fewer cognitive failures and accidents at work. After controlling for possible confounding factors it was found that higher caffeine consumption was associated with about half the risk of frequent/very frequent cognitive failures and a similar reduction in risk for accidents at work.”
“Overall, the results from the three analyses show that caffeine consumption may have benefits for performance and safety at work”

Smith, A. (2005). 工作中的咖啡因。人类精神药理学:临床与实验, 20(6), 441-445.



Derickson, Alan. 危险地困倦 (第114页). 宾夕法尼亚大学出版社, Inc..




Derickson, Alan. 危险地困倦 (第115页). 宾夕法尼亚大学出版社, Inc.. Kindle版。




Schmied, E.A., Harrison, E.M., Dell’Acqua, R.G., Perez, V.G., Glickman, .G., & Hurtado, S.L. (0020). 对影响船上水手睡眠的因素进行定性考察。军事医学, AdvanceArticle, 1-1.
  • Nap
    Whether you are working late or through the night, or during the day, if you are feeling tired, take a nap. Not only will you feel better but a 20 minute nap can help you be more focussed and productive, boosting the quality of your work.


Murillo-Rodríguez, E., Yamamoto, T., Monteiro, D., Budde, H., Rocha, N., Cid, L., Teixeira, D., Telles-Correia, D., Veras, A., Machado, S., Imperatori, C., & Torterolo, P. (2020). 通过小睡的好处来评估过度白天嗜睡的管理。*睡眠与警觉,* *4(2),* 117-123.
  • Get up and Move
    Stretch and go for a walk. By getting your heart pumping and body moving you help yourself become more alert compared to just sitting down. To increase the benefit of both your exercise and napping, go for a quick brisk walk then have a 20 minute nap!

“Sleep leads to the enhancement of memory, and physical exercise also improves memory along with beneficial effects on sleep quality…”
“Our results demonstrate that short-term exercise and a nap improve recognition memory over a nap or exercise alone.”

Mograss, .M., Crosetta, .M., Abi-Jaoude, .J., Frolova, .E., Robertson, E.M., Pepin, .V., & Dang-Vu, T.T. (2020). 锻炼后小睡比单独小睡或锻炼更能改善记忆力。SLEEP, 43(9),
  • Tiredness Indicators
    When tired it can be difficult to acknowledge just how tired you are. The stress of work or study related issues mixed with tiredness can be motivation enough to just plough on until you get what you need to do, done. Unfortunately this can lead to the detriment of the quality of the work that you put out, and may be dangerous. By the time you are reaching for caffeine, it’s already way past when you should have stopped and taken a break. Luckily there are tools like our app V-CAF Stay Awake Stay Alert, that can alert you to when your alertness levels drop so that you can get up and walk before taking a nap. A simple to use Apple Watch app that works with your body to alert you when you’re tired, V-CAF is available on the app store now.






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Friedrich Nietzsche, source: When We Are Tired, We Are Attacked by Ideas We Conquered Long Ago – Quote Investigator

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