Caffeine Pills for Energy?
Do Caffeine Pills Give You Energy?
I want to know…
I have had a mixed relationship with caffeine pills. I used them quite a bit whilst studying, and although they worked, I was shocked at the effect they had on me.
Since then I haven’t touched them, but continued to use caffeinated drinks until fairly recently. My issue at the time was with understanding what I was risking by consuming more than the recommended amount of caffeine in one day over a relatively long period of time.
In this article I’ll highlight how easy it is to over consume caffeine and look at strategies that can help us to stay within the safe zone.

Unaware of the Limits
A lot of people, like me whilst I was studying, don’t keep tabs on how much caffeine they ingest.
Going over 400mg per day of caffeine is easily done. Two cans of an energy drink, or four cups of coffee is not that much. Especially when you are focused on completing a work assignment or studying.
Even more so if you enjoy eating chocolate, or have to take a headache pill, both of which contain caffeine.
Caffeine is even in chewing gum and candy.
Potential Dangers
Taking caffeine supplements further increase the risk of over consumption. Many dietary supplements and caffeine tablets contain higher levels of caffeine than food or drinks.
Typical side effects of normal caffeine consumption can be:
- Increased alertness
- Irritability
- Higher body temperature
- Dehydration
- Headache
- Increased heart rate
Beware of these signs if you think you have gone over the limit:
- Irregular heart beat
- Vomiting
- Tremors
- Abdominal pain
- Diarrhea
- Confusion
Alternatives and Reduction Strategies
Where possible, for the sake of your long term health and wellbeing reduce, or completely stop your ingestion of stimulants that trick your body into releasing chemicals to keep you awake.
Here are some guidelines that colleagues have suggested to me in the past and have worked:
- When taking caffeine pills, don’t drink beverages that contain caffeine, and stick to the recommended dosage on the side of the bottle.
- Drink water to rehydrate. It will help your mind focus better and help get more oxygen and blood circulating around your brain.
- Know when you are feeling tired by using an alarm. V-CAF was and still is a game changer for me. It’s an Apple Watch app that notifies you when you are most likely to be tired or nodding off. I use it to let me know when I’m tired or have reduced focus so that I can take measures that wake me up, whilst avoiding caffeine.
- Get up and take a walk. Very simple, but it works every time.
Caffeine pills don’t so much give you energy but rather trick your brain and body into thinking that you must have energy.
Whilst the effects of taking them can be immediate, the long-term effects on your body leave a lot to be desired.
Try these action points to help reduce or even stop your dependency on caffeine to help you stay awake and focused:
- Reduce the amount of caffeine you ingest when taking caffeine pills
- Drink more water.
- Know when you are tired, and take the appropriate actions.
(Use V-CAF to help alert you to when you are tired). - Move about, get up and walk.
Now You Know
Hopefully you now are more aware of how easy it is to over consume caffeine.
Stay focused, stay alert and stay safe.

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