Tired of Being Tired – Coffee Anyone?
We’re Tired of Being Tired!
Virtual Caffeine and What It Can Do For You And Your Tiredness
For years I found myself falling asleep at the most inopportune times. During college lectures, whilst attending very interesting corporate meetings, and when having to complete tasks that I wasn’t enthusiastic about!
Each time, I found that I needed more caffeine, in any of its various forms, to get that woke feeling whilst its effects lasted shorter the more I used it.
What We Are Going To Do About It
Tired of my tiredness, I found other poor souls that wanted to change this sad state of affairs and we came up with V-CAF. A solution to consuming ever-increasing amounts of coffee and caffeine, without the diminishing returns.
What Is V-CAF?
V-CAF is an Apple Watch app that subtly notifies you when you are tired or about to fall asleep. We see it as a digital alternative to caffeine and / or coffee with none of the side effects that are associated with increased caffeine consumption. And unlike coffee or caffeine pills, you only pay once. You get to use it for life for the cost of a cup of coffee or thereabouts!
So What’s This Blog About Then?
V-CAF The Blog is a resource that we created to help inform people about tiredness, sleep related issues such as sleep deprivation and insomnia, and caffeine. It is a collection of our experiences and information that we have found useful related to anything to do with staying awake and tiredness.
We hope that you will find it informative and useful.
This is just what I need! Thank you for the great article!
Glad to be of service Carl 🙂
We plan to have more posts on tiredness and related issues, and are open to post ideas.
Feel free to let us know what would interest you.
Very interesting to read you
Good luck to you
Thank You, and glad to be of use to you 🙂