Feeling Sleepy?
My sleep debt was at all time highs! How could I tell? Simply by noticing how tired I was.
Pay Down Your Sleep Debt
It pays better terms of interest…
Over the last few weeks I’d been feeling rather sleepy and put it down to the weather and it being the towards the end of the year. Work wasn’t particularly busy and hadn’t been out on the town for a while.
I then tried experimenting with my daily processes such as my nap lengths, when and what I ate and my exercise routines but I didn’t notice any change in my general feeling of being tired and sleepy.
Reluctantly, I thought I’d better make an appointment to see the doctor to see if there was anything interfering with my health, but before I did, luckily I stumbled upon a solution that worked, and was so simple I felt like “Duh! Why didn’t you try that sooner!”

Sleep Debt
I’m not the only one guilty of this. During busy and/or stressful times something has to give, and one of the easier things to lose track of is the amount and quality of your sleep.
As usual before this recent down time I was extremely busy in my personal and professional life, and going all in to sort things out and get things done.
Even though I stuck to my pattern of working until my alertness levels dropped and took short nap breaks, I missed the most obvious thing, that the quality and quantity of my sleep was slipping.
What Gives
Although I thought that I was on top of things, all my energy and focus was being spent on things outside of my being, at the expense of my health.
With hindsight it’s easy to look back and say what you should’ve done, but in the moment you can miss that the actions you take at that moment can directly affect your future, either positively or negatively.
Within a few days of finishing that last round of busyness I found myself feeling restless and needing something to do. This was the point where I should have kicked back and got my sleep back in check.
Instead I decided to catch up on things that I felt I missed out on and the not so fun things that had been neglected. As a result I found myself not only not catching up on my sleep, but also cutting into it as well!
My sleep debt was at all time highs! How could I tell? Simply by noticing how tired I was.
Sleep Strategies
As soon as I realised that I’d overlooked the obvious I got to work on finding ways to solve this problem.
I didn’t want this to be too complicated and take lots of effort, so I decided to keep things as simple as possible.
Funnily enough this was so simple and enjoyable I’ve made it part of my “debriefing” process after a hard stint.
- Going to Bed When I’m tired
Elsewhere in the blog I’ve stressed the point about going to bed at a regular time so that your body naturally starts to prepare for sleep without any conscious effort on your part. Apps like Pillow and Apple’s Sleep remind you to get to bed at a particular time. But sometimes I ain’t tired at a specific time so it becomes a bit of a chore.
By going to bed when I’m really tired, I let my body and not the clock dictate when I should go to bed. - Waking Up After a Full Nights Sleep
I like most have a morning routine that doesn’t allow for this one so much, but I’ve found that if I go to bed when I’m tired I naturally get roughly 7-8 hours sleep. So if I’m feeling tired between 10pm – 11pm I would wake up naturally between 6am and 8am.
This has helped me get back into the flow quicker and I’ve felt that I’ve fell back into my usual sleep routine and feel much more alert faster than I’ve done in the past. - Cut Back on Napping
Napping has been my latest productivity hack, so I was a bit reluctant to give it up in any way. But by reducing my napping to 10 minutes and only having a maximum of two a day whilst I was in recharging mode, helped me to feel naturally more tired earlier in the evening, which helped me to spend more time asleep and paying down my sleep debt.
Just remember that I did this during my down time from being busy. It’s a lot harder to do when you’re busy, so to get the best results plan accordingly.
So there you have it. Simple and effective and actually quite enjoyable once you get into the flow.
Since trying out this protocol my mood has picked up and I feel human again ?
The only hard thing about this is to use it during the relatively calmer periods of your life after you’ve had a very hectic prolonged schedule.
- Go to bed when tired (our app V-CAF can help with that, it notifies you when you are tired and losing focus)
- Waking Up After a Full Nights Sleep
- Cut Back on Napping
“A good laugh and a long sleep are the best cures in the doctor’s book.”
Irish Proverb

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